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Last couple of year’s blog has taken a back seat because of my family priorities. Heartfelt thanks to all those who messaged/emailed me during my absence, truly appreciate your love & Support in every way.  Looking forward to do more posts going forward.  See you all soon with lots of refreshing posts in the blog.  I wish everyone a Wonderful, healthy and amazing year ahead, “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017". This is my last post for 2016 and I am sharing some of my Christmas and New Year packages I did for my family and friends.  Thanks y'all for stopping by.  C'ya.

Unknown  – (December 31, 2016 at 9:14 AM)  

Lovely pavithra.. someday when u visit chennai I d meet u for a picture:-)

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Essays SOS  – (May 8, 2019 at 6:44 AM)  

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