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Hope everyone had wonderful weekend!!!  I wish all mom's Happy Mother's day.  I know all moms would have received cute and memorable gifts from your kids that we cherish throughout our life. 

Ok coming to the post its Greek Festival that we enjoyed here in Memphis.  It is 53rd Annual Memphis Greek festival. I am going to share all the drooling dishes that we enjoyed during the visit.   Hope you all enjoy your stay here and have good time as we had. Let me start with the highlights.


• Sanctuary Tours
• Greek Folk Dancing
• Authentic Greek Foods/Pastries
• Gift Shop
• Athenian Playground (Childrens Activities)

You will be seeing the Authentic Greek food/ Pastries. Every food was so tasty and ,particularly loved all the pastries.  We tasted little in everything, since we are vegetarian we had limited choice in vegetarian food. 

I mainly focused taking food pictures..

Did you see the Greek folk Dancing? Yah it was so good and they danced beautifully, and I just fell in love with their traditional dress... They looked gorgeous.

They had so many stalls in the outdoor . These are some of the food stalls...

This is Greek Pizza, It tasted great, the crust itself tasted different from other Pizzas.  With little tomato, basil, feta and it was garlicky...yummy :)

This is Greek Coffee... see the coffee pot don’t they look cute :) and the Gift shop,  it had all cute utensils but it was bit expensive :(

This is Indoor stalls where they had all these stuffs like Greek salad, Shish kebob, Pilaf, Grecian chicken, Greek Style Green Beans, Spanakopeta (spinach pie) etc

If you look at the pictures you can see the description of each item.

This is Saganaki Flaming cheese.  Saganaki in Greek literally means little frying pan.  This refers to various dishes prepared in Greek cuisine and is named after the single-serving frying pan in which it is cooked. The saganaki cheese is flambéed at the table (typically with a shout of "opa!"), and the flames then extinguished with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.  These are typically feta-based.  See how the flame comes...this tasted like firm Feta cheese with dash of lemon yumm :)

Did you know how mother and Father called in Greek???

Stay tuned to see the next part.  It just makes you drool !!!

chef and her kitchen  – (May 10, 2011 at 10:08 AM)  

Belated Mitera's day 2 u dear..ha ha....:)
Nice post....who will say no for such a lovely feast?

aipi  – (May 10, 2011 at 10:55 AM)  

Whoa ~ sounds like so much FUN ~ great place, food n pics, thanks for the wonderful post dear :)
US Masala

Hamaree Rasoi  – (May 10, 2011 at 11:00 AM)  

Very vibrant and colorful festival. The Pizza slice looks so delicious.

Reva  – (May 10, 2011 at 11:28 AM)  

Greek cuisine is my fav....Glad that u had fun... all the pics are so nice... droolworthy pics:)

Anonymous –   – (May 10, 2011 at 12:05 PM)  

OMG, I grew up an hour outside of Memphis and always went to Memphis in May but never the Greek Festival. This looks fun and tasty!

Priya Suresh  – (May 10, 2011 at 1:17 PM)  

Love greek cuisine very much, seems u guys had wonderful food and fabulous day..

Ananda  – (May 10, 2011 at 2:09 PM)  

Sounds so much of fun! nice pic :)

KrithisKitchen  – (May 10, 2011 at 2:56 PM)  

Enjoyed reading this and nice to know you had so much fun.. waiting for the next part...

swapna  – (May 10, 2011 at 3:24 PM)  

Stunning Pictures....Enjoyed ur post!!

GEETHA ACHAL  – (May 10, 2011 at 3:42 PM)  

வாவ்...ரொம்ப நல்லா இருக்கு பவி...இந்த வாரம் தான் இவர் memphisயிற்கு projectயிற்காக வந்து இருந்தாரு...

அழகாக இருக்கின்றது....

Jayanthy Kumaran  – (May 10, 2011 at 8:50 PM)  

wah...wat a fascinating post...soooper presentation dear..
Tasty Appetite

Suman Singh  – (May 10, 2011 at 9:43 PM)  

Good to know that you had so much fun at the festival..looking forward to the next part..Loved the pics!

SpicyTasty  – (May 10, 2011 at 9:45 PM)  

Wow!! Interesting information and lovely food. I love Greek cuisine.

Unknown  – (May 11, 2011 at 1:38 AM)  

Nice interesting pics Pavi, good that u shared

Sushma Mallya  – (May 11, 2011 at 5:05 AM)  

Nice Information Pavitra...I am sure u must have had a v nice time:)

Deepthi KR  – (May 11, 2011 at 11:46 AM)  

really good presentation and information.....
awesome blog im ur happy follower now...
do stop at my blog if u get time..

Anu  – (May 14, 2011 at 4:55 PM)  

Interesting pictures and lovely food...

Rama  – (May 18, 2011 at 1:28 PM)  

Wow, you have captured the Festival in way it makes me really feel I was in the Greek Festival. Awesome pictures and Presentation.

Ushnish Ghosh  – (May 20, 2011 at 10:45 PM)  

Dear Pavithra
Thank you for this post. I liked it.
Have a nice weekend \

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